Monday, December 13, 2010

Letter to the Editor

Let me be the first to start a slow clap for Mr. Rainwater and let’s give him a standing ovation. In his column last week (Thursday, December 9, 2010, page 4 – Bastrop Daily Enterprise), Mr. Rainwater correctly pointed out that I was incorrect in suggesting that the Board should go into an executive session for organizational purposes during the first meeting of the new term. I didn’t do my homework with respect to knowing the limitations outlined in LSA-R.S. 42:17 and the Board’s attorney did his job by pointing that out. So, let’s make this a teachable moment by saying to everyone, “know the facts before you speak” and “before you write a column attacking a new school board member”.

Mr. Rainwater, you began your column by not having a real handle on the facts. Is this too an example of how some folks say (or write) things, thinking they’re going to impress people with what they know and only open their mouth far enough to get their foot firmly entrenched? Case in point: At the Morehouse Parish School Board meeting held on 12/7/2010, I (Member-elect Ricky Smith) did not request to have the meeting changed from Jan 4th to Jan 6th and if you, Mr. Rainwater, had bothered to read the agenda, you would have known this fact. But that fact probably didn’t fit into your narrative, because with out it, your story falls flat, which means you probably would have been forced to write about my electronic textbook resolution.

However, that would have shown the community that I’m concerned about the educational attainment of our children and I’m going to guess that’s not your motivation. I’m not sure what your agenda is and frankly my dear, I don’t give a “care”.

You are entitled to your own set of opinions, but not to your own set of facts. You can carry our current superintendent’s water and try to convince this community that the new Board is no different from those previous. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

But between you and I, I love this “_”. I knew all too well that you cannot take the politics out of public service and we all know politics can be a contact sport. I’m expecting some push back because I believe fundamental changes are needed, but I must warn you that I’m a different type of politician. I push back because I care more about doing what’s best for these kids than I am in getting re-elected. So, thanks for that first hit. The nerves are gone and now I’m ready to go fight for the kids in our district.

It will be interesting to read your articles in the coming months ahead. I hope you are more careful with the facts in the future. No pressure, sir: it’s just the future of your credibility resting in your hands. Don’t blow it.

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